Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Science Minister

I hope you have all been following the various articles about our Science Minister - who refused to answer a reporters questions about whether of not he believed in creationism.  THe question was asked by a Globe and Mail reporter, and the G&M has had several subsequent articles raising the issue of a Science Minister who does not believe in science.  The National Post has come out supporting the Science Minister's position ...

Fascinating how this issue seems to force people to take strong positions and immediately attack the other positions ....

1 comment:

NutsNBolts said...

I've been following this story. In fact I sent the minister an email with my observations. He later advised that he had no problem with evolution, but by then the fire was already burning. It is a sad comment when the general public and media confuses evolution with naturalism, and cannot view evolution on the same level as gravity.
- Arnie